College ministry

Swartz College Ministry exists to develop intentional disciples of Jesus Christ among college students by providing opportunities for Bible Study, fellowship and service, equipping them to become leaders in their communities.

Meeting Times:


6:30 PM-College House


10:45 AM-Connect Groups


  • "If I could describe college ministry at Swartz in one word, it would be 'community'. When I went to college in another state, I was scared I wouldn't have a community to come back to when I visited. I was so wrong. This ministry has provided me friendships that have turned into family and an environment that has propelled me to grow in my relationship with Christ. I have learned so much about Christ. I have learned so much about Christ about myself, and developed a family that glorifies the Lord."

  • "Over the past four years, the College Ministry here at Swartz has been a very important part of my walk with Christ. Whether by providing accountability with Bible study, fellowships within a Godly environment, hang out nights, or opportunities to serve the community-this group has been a huge blessing. I look forward to seeing how God continues to work in and through Swartz First College Ministry".